


‘+ 6 Gain’

A film by Jorn Plucieniczak

25 minutes

Dutch spoken with English subtitles

Symen and Sam try to pass their time in the monotony of a post-industrial suburb. They seem to linger in a kind of perpetual twilight that is answered by the invisible presence of ‘Hardcore’. While gaming and burning daylight, they end up searching for the core of their desires.



A film by Oan Moonens & Fien Bergmans

18 minutes

Dutch spoken with English subtitles

As the world stands still, water continues to flow. Anadrôme tells the story of two siblings observing and reminiscing about the city they have always called home. When the moment has come for them to leave this place behind, they decide to revisit an old hobby of theirs. On a small boat, sailing along the canal they rid the water of objects left behind. In this dreamlike space we follow them wandering through invisibility as they observe the passing world from a distance. As the night slowly falls, we discover how it feels to be lost in the places we know the most.



A film by Rik Chaubet

15 minutes

Dutch spoken with English subtitles

This music documentary follows metal band '30,000 Monkies' during the making of their latest album. The film synchronises with the artistic journey of the band in an effort to express something universal about the creative process, by going very specific into the personalities, internal dynamics and the warm friendship of the band members.



A film by Jan Baeyens

20 minutes

Dutch spoken with English subtitles

It is a blood-hot summer night. A journalist finds himself in a hotel room in a small remote village. His assignment is to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a well-known botanist. Through the bizarre villagers, he is told incoherent stories about the botanist’s passion for carnivorous plants. In his quest, it dawns on him that these exotics control powers that haunt the entire village.