Sex? Work!

HOUSE OF WHORESHIP Holly Bates / AU / 2023 / 15min / OV EN ST FR
When brothel worker Violet returns to work post break-up to find her recent ex-girlfriend hustling the same shift, she must make the choice between avoidance and vulnerability in order to make her month’s rent.

GREY NARCISSUS (CONFESSIONS OF A LATE-MID-LIFE DIGITAL EXHIBITIONIST) Robert Lawson, One-Hand Band / USA / 2023 / 5min / OV EN ST FR / International Premiere

Drawn from an interview with the filmmaker for The Heart of Jacks podcast, Grey Narcissus is a short, queer, pornographic documentary that explores how technology has made it possible for anyone to make their own erotic art, and how this ease of production has enabled the filmmaker himself to have a presence in erotic art at the age of 60.

FRUITION Anto Reyes Arévalo / CL / 2023 / 5min / OV SP ST FR, EN / International Premiere

Mango explores her own sensuality on the screen of her devices. The coincidences of virtuality lead her to produce money from her sexual content, becoming Ronette. As her performance matures, she meets other creators on social media who share their experiences with her, telling her in confidence how they got into the industry, what challenges they faced and how they have creatively solved the production of their content.

NIGHT FLIGHT Matej Stepan / CZ / 2023 / 2min / OV EN ST FR / World Premiere
A one-take flight through one of Prague´s dens of sin.

ALPHA KINGS Enrique Pedraza-Botero, Faye Tsakas / USA / 2023 / 15min / OV EN ST FR

From a rented mansion in the suburbs of Houston, Texas, a group of young men sell a hyperbolic, alpha-male version of themselves on the internet.